Friday, 29 March 2013

Easter Weekend

Good Friday is a very quiet day, all the shops and businesses are closed for this holiday, so there is no one around, no cars, very few people.

As It Happens, a radio news commentary show on the CBC has been around for 45 years and the tradition on Good Friday, after they have done with the various segments of the show, is to have a reading of Oscar Wilde's short story The Selfish Giant.

I always found that story appropriate for Good Friday.
Simple and beautiful, with a wide appeal, though the story is about children and Wilde intended it to be read to children, I always thought it was aimed at our society and adults in general.

Happy Easter to all!


  1. The Selfish Giant always made me tear up.
    Curiously things are relatively quiet here today as well but what exactly are the people doing ? I doubt they are in church. I don't know.

    1. I have a few friends who belong to professional Choirs and they are performing in Church as for my neighbours many are elderly so they have their quiet routine, as for the rest of society, as long as they are quiet I don't care.

  2. BTW < I have just returned from a visit to "Idle Eyes" I see you've been a-talking!
    There goes my good Henley St. name, dragged through the mud.
    Don't make me come to Ottawa and smite you about the head or force you to eat Tim Horton Tim-bits.

    1. Sorry, but did I not mention that I work (now that I am retired) for this great newspaper to the Stars called National Enquirer. LOL!!!!!

    2. we are solidifying our annual trek to Canada for mid-august- and I know where you live!!
