Wednesday 20 April 2011

Happy 2764!

Tu non vedrai nessuna cosa maggior di Roma, (you will never see anything in the world like Rome).

On 21 April we mark the foundation of the City of Rome by Romulus in what is today the Roman Forum at the foot of the Palatine Hill. The story goes that the God Mars impregnated the Vestal Virgin Rhea Silvia daughter of King Numitor of Alba Longa, leaving her pregnant with twins. Once born they were quickly abandoned on the banks of the river Tiber. A she-wolf took them in and nursed them along with her young, later shepherds raised them in a hut by what was to be a few centuries later the site of the Senate of Rome. Romulus set his hut on the Palatine hill and Remus is on the Aventine hill. Remus made fun of Romulus's pretension in trying to create a city and Romulus killed his brother for it and there you have it ROME! A city which grew in ancient times to become the centre of the then known world with a population of one million, we would have to wait until 1850 to see any other city, London come close in size.

There will be a big fireworks display on 21 April along the banks of the Tiber, AUGURI ROMA! Tu non vedrai nessuna cosa maggior di Roma!

Dea Roma watching over the tomb of the unknown Italian Soldier at the Altar of the Nation ROME


  1. I thought Rome was founded by Trojans viz. the Aenid.
    I get these foundation stories confused.

  2. No you are thinking of south of Rome in the Naples area where Aenid and his family arrived to found a new Greece after the defeat at Troy. But he is linked in some mythological fashion to Romulus and Remus. Pozzuoli is the town resort of Aenid.
