Thursday 5 April 2012


Tonight we have a full moon and Sunday is Easter. Little do people know that the Apostles did not celebrate Easter but Passover, after all they were Jews. Early Christians or followers of Jesus were mostly Jews. As the centuries went by Christians celebrated Passover with the Jews, it is only with the passing of time that Christians started to develop their own traditions and beliefs independent of Jews. By the third century the scale was tipped and most Christians were non-Jews, pagans were starting to join in other words. By the first Council of Nicea in 325 AD the Emperor as head of the Christian Church decided that all Christian Churches in the Roman Empire would celebrate Easter on the same day instead of having different dates for the celebration and it would be independent from Passover, it would also be celebrated on a Sunday instead of the day of Jewish Sabbath, Saturday. Today we celebrate the Easter Bunny who brings everyone chocolates for your salvation. I am not sure which Council made the Easter Bunny the other son of God.

Anyway enjoy and have a good Easter or Passover.
High Altar Church in Palermo, Sicily

But one tradition which we started last year in Rome is the making of the Pasteria a recipe given to Will by a friend from Napoli, the recipe is from his Grandmother. It is the traditional Easter pastry in Southern Italy.
Made from good quality Ricotta cheese and using such ingredients as pre-cooked grano, vanilla, Orange blossom essence, Cinnamon, Candied fruit, it takes 2 days to make. Last year Will made several Pasteria and brought one to Easter lunch at a friends house. One of the guest was the great grand-daughter of Giuseppe Garibaldi, Anita Garibaldi declared it to be the best Pasteria she had ever tasted, making Will an honorary Italian Citizen. I am glad he is making it this year, it is very good. 

 Pasteria a traditional Italian Easter dish.

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