Saturday, 27 September 2014

Anniversary - In Memoriam

On Sunday 28 Septembre 2014 is the first anniversary of the death of my mother who a year ago entered immortality. It was after a long illness, 14 years of decline to Alzheimer. The end came quickly early on that morning a year ago. I had gone out for errands and when I came home Will simply said, I am sorry, your sister called from Montreal, I knew immediately that Mom had died. He did not have to say more. I was surprised, though the end was near we had been warned by the doctors, but yet I did not expect it, Death is like the visitor you really do not expect, who simply shows up. I am just happy for her that she simply slipped away in her sleep. That is what she always wanted.

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Sebastiano Ricci, 1659-1734, Resurrection

I chose the music for her requiem Mass and this piece by Fauré, I know she would have liked. Here Philippe Jaroussky sings the Pie Jesu.


  1. Quietly, at home, in our sleep, is a good passing, but still a loss for the loved ones. Thanks for the comment on my blogg.

  2. A day for memories of happier times. Slipping away during sleep is a great blessing. I hope that's how I go some day.

    1. Indeed it is and she is in a better place now.

  3. Timely as J is visiting his ma who's in a dementia care home down on the south coast today. I usually go with him and we're still at the stage where we can take her out for lunch, but it's heartbreaking. The other day she said to him on the phone 'I can't remember anything any more except that I love you and David'.

    Your ma will always in my mind's eye be the glamorous lady of whom you posted some wonderful photos from the past.

  4. Thanks for sharing about your mother. It's not easy with loosing our parents no matter how it happens.

  5. that was lovely. Thank you for sharing it with us.
