Sunday 17 March 2013

Enthronement or Coronation

The new Roman Pontifex Maximus was elected by the Princes of the Holy Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday 13 March and will be Officially Enthroned on Tuesday 19 March.
St-Peter's square night of the election of Pope Francis.

The central message of the new Pontiff is '' The Church is here to serve the poor'' a catchy message, not a new one for the Roman Catholic Church, it is part of the central message. The image of the new Pope given to the world Press is of a simple man, with simple taste. Pope Francis has already done well with the image by paying himself his hotel bill and retrieving his luggage and riding a mini-bus with other Cardinals back to the Vatican. He has said his first mass at the Church of St-Anne which is just inside the St-Anne Gate, the business address of the Holy See. He has met with the faithful after mass in front of the Church like  any parish priest would. I have been observing his body language and the way he handles people, first big smile, welcoming, happy, down to earth. Then its a quick hello, a word here or there and he moves on to the next person. The security detail around him, know what to do, it is all well rehearsed. It works, its effective and the public appears to like it. Same with the Cardinals who elected him, he greeted them after the mass in the Sistine Chapel, he spent a little more time with each one of them but not more than a few more seconds really, he also has a way of letting the person know it is time to move on. Obviously this fellow is an effective people handler, you did not see his predecessor Benedict XVI do that, he always looked a little tired or overwhelmed, not Pope Francis.
Swiss Guard in gala uniform

Also since his election Pope Francis has been wearing black shoes not the famous red loafers all Popes have worn in history. The Red shoes are a throwback to the day of the Roman Republic when the Chief Priest or Pontifex Maximus wore red leather short boots. During the religious service at the Temple of Jupiter Great and Best on the Capitoline Hill, the Pontiff would have to slit the throat of the great white bulls brought from Tuscany for the sacrifice, the blood would quickly pool and it was important because of the sacredness of the moment that the Pontiff did not get any blood on his immaculately white toga and his boots had to stay dry but not be stained, so the red leather hid any blood that might splatter. The meat would then be roasted some offered to Jupiter and the rest distributed to the faithful in communion during the service. One of the famous Pontifex was Julius Caesar, we just celebrated the Ides of March. The question is where were you on the morning of 44 BC when Julius was assassinated?

To come back to the enthronement of Pope Francis on 19 March, this ceremonial as changed with time.
Once a great parade would take place between the Cathedral of Rome, Saint-John Lateran and the Basilica of St-Peter going through the Roman Forum to symbolize the link and legacy with Imperial Rome. Not to forget that the Popes claim to be the heir of the Roman Emperors since Constantine in the fourth century. The Pope would wear the triple imperial crown as Sovereign of the Universal Church. He would be carried aloft in the Sedia gestatoria by the Gentleman of the Papal Court, they are the ones you see in photos dressed formally in white tie and dark coats or purple coats.
 Pope Pius XII being carried at his enthronement wearing the triple crown.

It is not likely that we will see any of that on Tuesday with Pope Francis, it promises to be a far simpler affair. The last Pope to be carried aloft was Jean-Paul I, his successor did not want that and since then the Pope has walked. I am told it cannot be a coronation because Kings are crowned by Popes or Cardinals, so Popes can only be enthroned since it is not likely God the Father would come down from Heaven for the event. Though he will be present at the ceremony for the faithful.

Papal Crowns, on display at the Lateran Palace in Rome

A friend of ours said she is staying home on Tuesday because Rome will be invaded by an estimated 1 million visitors for this event. Given that Rome is a city of 3 million people, you can see how this can create traffic problems, even if everyone walks. Attending the ceremony will be 140 Government delegations from around the world, numerous religious congregations and the 115 Cardinals who elected Pope Francis.

Cardinals walking in procession from the Pauline Chapel (named after Pope Paul III) to the Sistine Chapel to vote during the Conclave. Inside the Vatican Palace.


  1. Hey, I thought those red shoes were supposed to represent the blood of the Christian martyrs. Another story revealed to have true pagan origins!

  2. sure martyrs, no most of the ceremonial is pagan in origin just transformer to fit the new product.

  3. Just remember that in his view, God's plan has no place for the loves of you two or us two...only prayer can cure us.

    1. D. I view the Holy See has a spectacle a little bit like a Zeffirelli movie, think of Tosca and the TeDeum scene at the end of Act one, ''Tre Sbirri, una carrozza....'' Lovely to look at.

  4. Of course, those lovely Swiss guards and all the gold...but what a paradox compared to the essence of New Testament teaching. But as you say it has a long history and is an inextricable part of Roman life.

    Trouble already...Francis should send out a message by refusing to see mass murderer Mugabe, who seems to be be banned from visiting most European countries...but not Italy. Unfortunately the message is not being sent.

    1. for parties and official functions these are outfits one wants. Agree strange that dictators still find there entries everywhere, remains to be seen if Francis will be different from other Popes, early days yet.

  5. I rather miss the high camp or coronations like Pius 12. I suppose they can't do that anymore lest people hoot or holler.

    1. We live in another age and the mystic of the ceremonial is gone, though a lot of people like the pomp and ceremony still. This Pope however being a Jesuit appears stern and is message is simplicity. However this does not mean that the RCC will be able to solve its problems.
