So we drove Nicky and Nora to Capena down the Flaminian road to the farm where they were born and where their moms and dads live with other relatives. Nicky and Nora were put into the general pound to socialize with the cousins, Nora did not seem impress with them and Nicky looked down right offended, I did not think of taking a picture but it was so funny, with his big mustache standing up like Kaiser Wilhelm, he just looked at them with an imperious air of, have we been introduced, who are you? sort of look, obviously living in the Citta Eterna has gone to his head. The cousins where probably thinking what is with this guy.
The next day we flew Alitalia to Vienna on a Bombardier Canadair regional jet which holds 98 seats and is like flying with your own private jet, very smooth flight, these inter-city jets are famous around the world and the only competition for Canada is from Embraer Brazil.
In Vienna we were met by the driver of the hotel, who had sent a car. Very nice hotel next to St-Stephen's Cathedral, Kaiserin Elisabeth, you cannot escape the imperial family in Vienna, they are everywhere. See the hotel site www.kaiserinelisabeth.at
Big room and very clean, spotless hotel, very quiet also, though it is full. You hear nothing, even in the breakfast room in the morning, guests behave themselves. Today we went down for breakfast, beautiful silver service on each table and very nice presentation of breakfast food. If they do not have it on the buffet, just ask and they will be pleased to bring it to you. Free selection of international newspapers available. What I like is that the hotel feels like you are at home, quiet service, polite, always courteous to a fault, it is understated and it leaves you smiling. When we arrived the front desk recommended a very good lunch place, just a feet steps away down the road, Imevoll, its a typical Austrian restaurant and wine bar, ten page wine selection menu, great food, plain and simple. Now is Asparagus season, so they have lots of dishes featuring beautiful white asparagus. There was a white asparagus lasagna on the menu and asparagus with small white potatoes in a bearnaise or bechamel sauce, asparagus soup and of course other Austrian dishes of meat, veal, chicken, beef.
You also cannot come to Vienna and miss the pastries, cakes, marzipan and chocolates, everywhere coffee houses with beautiful pastries and sandwiches, a true delight. We went to Gerstner which also is the official caterer of the State Opera House and has been around for 175 years.
For dinner that night we went to a new Austrian cuisine restaurant called Artner, (www.artner.co.at) it was wonderful, the waiter kept calling me Commendatore, usually in Italy I am simply Dottore, this was a real promotion. This is another facet of life in Austria, everyone has a title, you simply cannot go through life here without a title, you do not have one, don't worry they will give you one. The food was excellent as was the service, this restaurant has a wine shop and the wine selection goes on and on. We ate too much but it was so good. I started with a home made goat cheese, made I was told by the mother of the owner, wrapped in bacon and served on a bed of grilled white asparagus. Followed by a filet of Austrian beef with green beans sauté with a slice of bacon. We had a Riesling with dinner and for dessert, fresh berries sorbet with mint leaves. Both at the beginning of the meal and at the end the chef sent little bouchés to open the appetite and to close the meal. While we ate, the restaurant being across a small square of St- Hieronimus, we saw a procession from the Franciscan church with parishonners singing hymns, holding candles, this is Pentecost week.
On this first day we also did some serious shopping, Will wanted a Trachten jacket so we went to the Trachten shop, they are all over Austria, they sell essentially traditional Austrian clothing for children, men and women. I bought a Sakko jacket and a shirt and 2 ties and will bought a Trachten jacket, pants and shirt and tie. (www.Kettner.com) The sales personnel are very nice and self-effacing but very helpful. We were on the second floor of the shop, men's area where they sell clothing and hunting rifles, riding gear, and foot wear for the serious sportsmen, all of it of the highest quality.
So all in all not a bad first day.